Upper GastrointestinalCancer Registry (UGICR)
Institution: Monash University
Chief Investigator: Professor John Zalcberg
Cancer type: Pancreatic, oesophageal/gastric (all current); biliary, primary liver cancer (in planning)
Study established: 2015 to current

About the research program
The Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry (UGICR) is a clinical quality registry (CQR) that operates under the framework defined by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).
The UGICR is uniquely placed to make a real impact on the quality of care provided to people with upper GI cancers, not only in Victoria and NSW but potentially to expand across Australia. The School of Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine at Monash University is home to over 30 clinical registries, giving the UGICR access to the expertise needed to run and maintain a registry of this scale. Clinical quality registries are recognised as an invaluable tool not only in measuring quality, but also in driving quality improvement with benchmarked, risk-adjusted reports identifying areas in which clinical practice can be improved – a feature unique to this registry.
The UGICR will also uniquely collect information directly from patients to further drive quality improvement, which provides a valuable opportunity to inform participants about support organisations such as the Pancare Foundation. In addition, the UGICR provides an ideal platform for a range of clinical research, translational studies, randomised trials and data linkage with biobanks.
The UGICR formally commenced in late 2015 and began recruitment to the pancreatic cancer pilot across 4 Victorian sites in early 2016. Currently, the pancreatic module has over 30 participating hospitals in Victoria and NSW.
The UGICR is a clinical quality registry (CQR) that operates under the framework defined by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).
Learn more:
> More information on the UGICR
> Information for Participants
> Information for Health Professionals
Research progress and outcomes:
> Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry (UGICR)
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