National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap Update
We are pleased to announce that Cancer Australia have now commenced development of the National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap to improve outcomes and survival for people with pancreatic cancer in Australia.
The Roadmap will identify key priority areas for action over the next five years across the continuum of pancreatic cancer care and pancreatic cancer research. Cancer Australia will be seeking broad public consultation and collaborate with key stakeholders, including consumers, and build on the efforts and expertise of the non-government sector in the development of the Roadmap.
For further information on this initiative, including how you can be involved, visit National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap.
Cancer Australia have highlighted the Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap as a high priority project. They have recently advised that they will be taking an evidence-based approach. Reviewing all aspects of the pancreatic cancer journey to inform a national, strategic pathway to tackling the low-survival rate cancer. The first step of the plan will be community wide consultation.
At the recent landmark Pancreatic Cancer Awareness event, hosted by Avner Foundation at Parliament House in Canberra, the Federal Health Minister, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP announced the first National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap. The event brought together over 100 attendees from around Australian, including government ministers, scientists, medical and health professional, scientists, advocates, carers and patients, all of whom are passionate about working towards a future with better outcomes for those affected by pancreatic cancer.
This Roadmap is to be launched through Cancer Australia in recognition of the need for better outcomes and increased survival for those affected by pancreatic cancer. At the event, the funding disparity between pancreatic and other high-profile cancers was highlighted and recognised as an issue to be resolved.
Cancer Australia have highlighted the Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap as a high priority project. They have recently advised that they will be taking an evidence-based approach to reviewing all aspects of the pancreatic cancer journey to inform a national, strategic pathway to tackling the low-survival rate cancer. The first step of the plan will be community wide consultation.
Pancare Foundation aim to be working collaboratively with Cancer Australia to provide strategic input and insights into the patient and carer journey and experience, we will provide updates as they become available.
Pancreatic Cancer Alliance Members
Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
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