Need to talk? We’re here for you.
A cancer diagnosis can come as a terrible shock, but we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Our friendly team are dedicated specialists in upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer care and are available to support you and your family in a variety of ways on your cancer journey.
From coping with a diagnosis, understanding your treatment options, managing symptoms to nurturing your emotional health, the PanSupport team offers practical ways to help you.
Speak with a Specialist Upper GI Cancer Nurse
Our experienced oncology nurses can provide evidence-based information regarding diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, wellbeing in addition to guidance about relevant support services.
Although our Specialist Upper GI Cancer Nurses cannot give individual medical advice, they can talk about the effects of specific types of cancer and explain what will happen during processes like chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other cancer treatments.
Available for 45-minute appointments, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm (AEST/AEDT) for the cost of a local call, our nurses can help you to:
- Understand a recent diagnosis.
- Understand procedures and treatment options and side effects for your cancer.
- Provide you with resources.
- Provide ongoing support throughout your treatment and beyond.
- Refer you to our PanSupport team of Counsellors and Cancer Care Navigators to support other aspects of your cancer journey such as emotional, peer, practical and social support.

There may be times when our specialist upper GI cancer nurses are busy and are unable to take your call. That’s why you can also book an appointment using the form below so we can call you back at a time that’s convenient to you. Alternatively you can call us on 1300 881 698 or simply send us an email.
Speak to our PanSupport team in your own language
You can speak with our team through an interpreter with the National Telephone Interpreting Service (TIS). They can provide interpreters in over 50 languages.
To speak with our team in a language other than English with the help of an interpreter follow these steps.
- Call 13 14 50, Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 4.30 pm.
- Say the language you need.
- Wait on the line for an interpreter (may take up to 3 minutes).
- Ask the interpreter to contact Pancare Foundation on 1300 881 698.
- Talk with our team with the help of an interpreter.
Our team can also directly access a phone interpreter on demand during scheduled appointments.