A message of thanks from our CEO, Doug Hawkins
For Australians, 2020 will perhaps be remembered as one of the most demanding and difficult years in recent history.
The COVID pandemic that has changed our lives in many ways, has created exceptional challenges for families impacted by pancreatic and upper gastrointestinal cancers. A difficult path to diagnosis; cancellation of surgery; delays in treatment; separation of families and support networks; and the loss of loved ones from these unrelenting diseases. It is no surprise that we have seen a greater demand in our support for patients than ever before.
As we venture towards the end of this strange and challenging year, we do so perhaps a little weary, but with a renewed perspective and focus on what really matters. We exist, in collaboration with you, to give a voice to these cancers and fight for a better future. And together, our voice is growing louder.
I am truly humbled the way our community rallied to support one another and the vital work of the Foundation despite the challenges of the year.
Your continued contribution has enabled us to continue to be a beacon of support and hope for Australians impacted by pancreatic and upper GI cancers.
Together with your support, this year we have:
- Witnessed a significant increase in referrals for patients and carers accessing Pancare’s support services, including our specialist nurse service and patient support.
- Delivered our PanSupport online webinar series for people living with upper GI cancers – including diet and nutrition and symptom management.
- Grown our support services for people living with cancer by employing a counsellor that can offer complimentary services through our PanSupport program.
- Transformed our product offering by becoming more digitally enabled, offering our support groups online.
- Taken ownership of the dedicated PanSupport website which will be redeveloped in 2021.
- Honoured our commitment to investing into vital research with our research partners, despite the economic downturn.
- Continued to find ways to unite our diverse community of supporters and enhance awareness through virtual events and new corporate partnerships.
- Actively contributed to Cancer Australia’s National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap through involvement in the steering committee and formal submission via the consultation process.
- Established a dedicated innovation program that will design and discover innovative ways to generate sustainable revenue for the Foundation.
We have also made a number of strategic appointments that were outputs of our transformation project which has delivered an extensive redevelopment of our services, support and research investment, whilst ensuring strong governance practices and financial sustainability for the future of Pancare.
Our wonderful team continue to finish the year strong and are currently busy collaborating on an extensive redevelopment of the Pancare website which will see enhanced information, resources and support for families living with cancer through our dedicated PanSupport hub. Our new website will launch in early 2021.
We’re ready to embark on a new decade of accelerated change.
As we turn our vision to the new year, we do so with a sense of pride of our achievements but deep resolve and determination to make a bigger impact. Next year, the Foundation reaches a significant milestone of 10 years. Since our inception, supporting patients and their families has remained at the heart of everything we do, and we continue to not only carry this mandate forward but significantly enhance it.
We have recently completed our strategic plan for the next five years which outlines our blueprint for accelerated change. Significant focus been called out for the expansion of our patient support services and increased investment into world-class research. Our strategic plan will deliver new initiatives that will greatly enhance our ability for pancreatic and upper GI cancers to be seen and heard in the general public, including enhanced referral pathways with health professionals and growth in our delivery of online support – to reach more Australians, no matter where they live. I look forward to sharing our plans with you in more detail in the new year.
I would like to acknowledge the dedication of our Board, staff and volunteers who have charted this challenging year with resilience and determination. And to you, our supporters – thank you for your continued support of the Foundation despite what may have been one of your most challenging year’s. Your support is noticed and greatly appreciated.
On behalf of all of us at Pancare, we wish you a safe festive season and look forward to continuing the journey and sharing our progress with you in 2021.
Yours faithfully,
Doug Hawkins
Chief Executive Officer
Pancare Foundation
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