A message of thanks 2021 from our CEO, Doug Hawkins
As we approach the end of another year disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, I reflect on what has been a resounding theme for our Foundation and community – resilience in the face of adversity. Please accept this message of thanks.
The ongoing pandemic has continued to create exceptional challenges for Australian families impacted by upper gastrointestinal cancers. A difficult path to diagnosis; cancellation of surgery; delays in treatment; separation of families and support networks; and the loss of loved ones from these unrelenting diseases. It is no surprise that we have seen a greater demand in our support for patients than ever before.
I am truly humbled by the way our community continued to rally together to support one another and the vital work of the Foundation despite the challenges of the year. This year, we have been overwhelmed by the continued support our community have shown – from participation in our key fundraising events and development of new corporate partnerships, through to those that have supported the Foundation financially and amplifying our voice on social media. Our collaborative efforts, no matter how big or small, give a voice to these cancers and fight for a better future.
Putting patients and their families first
Your continued contribution has enabled us to continue to be a beacon of support and hope for Australians impacted by upper GI cancers.
Thanks to your generous support, this year we have:
- Witnessed a significant increase in referrals for patients and carers accessing Pancare’s support services, including our specialist nurse service and patient support.
- Delivered our PanSupport online webinar series with more than 420 participants tuning in live and on-demand.
- Doubled the level of financial support to patients and their families experiencing financial hardship.
- Launched a dedicated carers support group to allow those caring for a loved one with cancer connect in a supportive and caring environment.
- Redeveloped the Pancare website and PanSupport hub to become a rich source of dedicated information for those diagnosed with upper GI cancers.
- Updated our pancreatic cancer resources with additional cancer resources now in development.
- Funded five new key research projects and awarded two new scholarships to early career researchers, dedicated to advance understanding of upper GI cancers.
- Actively contributed to Cancer Australia’s National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap through involvement in the steering committee.
- Delivered our five- year strategic plan, outlining our promise for progress to accelerate change for upper GI cancers.
What awaits us next year
There remains much to be achieved to improve awareness and funding for upper GI cancers. Already, our focus is on significant projects that we will deliver in 2022. Next year will see the delivery of our PanSupport strategy which will serve as our roadmap for transforming our ability to reach and support more Australians living with cancer, no matter where they live, in a way that supports them best.
In addition, we will deliver our landmark report on upper GI cancers, which will provide an in-depth analysis on the challenges and opportunities that influence all aspects of the cancer care
continuum that affect survival outcomes and quality of life. This report will substantially help drive ongoing investment and policy chance to improve outcomes across all upper GI cancers. I look forward to keeping you updated over the course of the year.
I would like to acknowledge the dedication of our Board, staff and volunteers who have yet again, charted this challenging year with resilience and determination. And to you, our supporters – thank you for your continued support of the Foundation. Your support is noticed and greatly appreciated. We hope next year will see the return of our face-to-face events so we can thank you in person.
On behalf of all of us at Pancare, we wish you a safe festive season and look forward to continuing the journey and sharing our progress with you in 2022.
Yours faithfully,
Doug Hawkins
Chief Executive Officer
Pancare Foundation
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